Acupuncture helps to facilitate the body’s Ki. Ki, also know and Qi, is the body’s energy force (also referred to as life force or vital force). Ki nourishes, protects, and supports all systems and functions of the body, Health is affected by the flow of Ki through the body. If the flow of Ki along channels (pathways that connect all Read more...
Here at Acupuncture & Herbal Answers, we are passionate about your health, and will do whatever we can to help you achieve your healing goals. Utilizing the fastest, most direct route available, all our varied experience and training, and drawing on outside resources as necessary, we are here to help you heal. Read more...
By choosing acupuncture, you’ve taken a great step toward a more balanced, healthy lifestyle. The ancient practices of acupuncture and Chinese medicine have helped millions of people regain and maintain their health. Read more...
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